Showing posts with label Track. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Track. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Switching Layout 14x48 Project - Track and Turnout Control

I have given up on using servos for turnout control after four fail attempts at building the electronics, so I have gone back to a tried and true solution for me. SPDT Slide switches, I have used these before with good success.

First I cut some re-enforcement pads for the slide switches and start creating pockets for pads and clearance holes for wires.


I use a 0.025" music wire and 0.0325" brass tubing for linkage to turnouts. I just make a small channel for the tubing to fit in.

I am also gluing down track and turnouts, adding frog power wire as I go too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Switching Layout 14x48 Project - Track and Turnout Servos

Not been doing much MRR lately, but I did finish cutting and fitting all the track, couple weeks back.

And I did receive the servos and laser cut a acrylic mount for them and limit switches for frog power and whatever else.

 Next up is making the servo control circuit.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Structure - 60' Thru Plate Girder Bridge - 3D Printed Brdige Track

I Initially plan to do a ballast deck bridge, but I receive some comments on that over on TTnut Forum, so since no one makes bridge track tie section for TT Scale. I drew one up and had it printed

Ties are12' long. Rail is ME code 55. The rail press fit into the rail alignment clip nicely, so a little glue should do it.

There are 20', 40' and 60' section 12' wide available on my Shapeways site  KD Models

Switching Layout 14x48 Project - Track III

Today, I got started in transferring the plan to the layout base. Then started cutting and fitting track between the turnouts. I would of done this sooner but I forgot to order rail joiners and they came in yesterday.

The base is 3/8" foamcore board salvage from an earlier layout attempt with 2 layers of ceiling tile.

Plan is to finish cutting and fitting track tomorrow. I have ordered servo's for turnout control and hope to have them by end of week, so I can finalize a mount for them. Plan is to laser cut acrylic for the mounts.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Tuesday, January 12, 2016